ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elite overproduction

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game of musical chairs before? Imagine there are 10 chairs, but there are 20 kids trying to play. In the beginning, everyone sits on a chair, but when the music stops playing, there are 10 kids left standing without a chair. These 10 kids are out of the game, and they must go back and watch the rest of the game.

Elite overproduction is a bit like this game of musical chairs. It means that there are too many people who want to be part of the elite, but there are only a limited number of spots available. Just like in the game of musical chairs, when the music stops, some people are left standing and out of the game.

Let's say there is a company that only has a few positions for managers. Many people want to be managers because it means more money, power, and prestige. However, the company can only have so many managers, so not everyone can become one. The competition is fierce, and only a select few will make it to the top.

Elite overproduction can become a problem when there are too many people trying to become part of the elite, but there aren't enough spots available. This can lead to frustration, disappointment, and even social unrest. It can also create a situation where some people feel like they are not good enough or don't have the same opportunities as others.

So, while everyone wants to be successful and enjoy a good life, there are limitations. It's important to be persistent and work hard, but it's also important to be realistic and not to give up hope if we don't make the elite cut. There are many other opportunities out there, and we can find success in different ways.