ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Email filtering

Email filtering is like sorting your toys in different boxes so you can find them easily when you want to play with them. Let's say you have a lot of emails in your inbox (just like a lot of toys in your room). Some of them may be important while others may not be (just like some toys are your favorites while others you don't really like).

Now, imagine you have some helpers (just like you have mommy and daddy to help you clean up your room). These helpers are called email filters, and they can sort your emails based on some rules that you set up. For example, you can tell your filters to put all the emails from your friends in one box, all the emails from your teachers in another box, and all the emails from strangers in a third box (just like you put all your stuffed animals in one box, all your cars in another box, and all your LEGO in a third box).

Email filters can also help you get rid of unwanted and spammy emails (just like you throw away broken toys or toys you no longer need). You can tell your filters to delete any email that contains certain words or phrases (such as "earn money fast" or "get rich quick").

In summary, email filtering is like having helpers that sort your emails into different boxes so you can find them easily and protect you from unwanted and spammy emails.