ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Employment Standards Act

Ok kiddo, the Employment Standards Act is a set of rules that tell employers how to treat their employees fairly. These rules cover things like wages (how much money workers should be paid), hours of work (how long they should work in a day or week), vacation time (how much time off they should get each year), and many other important things.

The Employment Standards Act is really important because it helps make sure that people who work get treated right. It helps protect workers from things like being paid too little, having to work too many hours, or not getting enough time off for rest and relaxation.

So, just like how there are rules for playing games or rules for how we behave in certain places, the Employment Standards Act sets rules for how employers should behave when it comes to their workers. And these rules help make sure that everyone is treated fairly and that workers get the things they need to live a good life.