ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Endonym and exonym

Okay kiddo, let me explain endonyms and exonyms to you in a way you'll understand.

An endonym is like a nickname that a place or a people calls themselves. It's like when you say "I'm Sarah" but your friends call you "Sally" because that's what you prefer. So, for example, people from France call themselves "Français" and their country "France". That's the endonym.

Now, an exonym is like when someone else gives a place or a people a different nickname. It's like when your mom calls you "sweetie" but your friends call you "Sally" instead. So, for example, in Japan they say "Nihon" for their country, but in English we say "Japan". That's the exonym.

So, to sum it up: endonyms are the names people call themselves, and exonyms are the different names other people give to them. Easy, right?