ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Engineers of the human soul

Okay, kiddo, so there are some people who believe that they can control what other people think and feel. They think they can do this by creating things like art, music, and literature that will influence people's thoughts and emotions. These people are sometimes called "engineers of the human soul".

Now, imagine that you have a toy box with all different kinds of toys inside - dolls, cars, blocks, and puzzles. The engineer of the human soul is like someone who wants to take some of those toys and use them to make you think a certain way. For example, they might give you a book to read that tells you that one group of people is better than another group of people. By reading that book, the engineer hopes to make you believe that one group of people is better than the other.

But just like with your toy box, you still have the power to choose which toys you want to play with and which ones you don't. You can decide for yourself whether you believe what the engineer is trying to teach you or not. So don't worry, you can still be in control of your own thoughts and feelings!