ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

English units

Okay kiddo, let's talk about English units. Have you ever measured something using inches or feet or pounds? Those are all examples of English units!

So, let's start with length. When we measure how long something is, we use inches, feet, yards, and sometimes miles. An inch is really small, about the length of your finger nail. A foot is longer, about the length of a ruler. A yard is even longer, about the length of a small swimming pool. And a mile is really, really long - it's about 5,280 feet!

Now, when we talk about weight, we use pounds. If you've ever weighed yourself, you know that your weight is measured in pounds. A pound is about the weight of a big apple.

Next, let's talk about liquid volume. When we measure how much of a liquid there is, we use gallons, quarts, pints, and cups. A gallon is a really big container - like the ones you see at the grocery store filled with water. A quart is smaller - one quart is about the size of a large container of yogurt. A pint is even smaller, about the size of a small carton of milk. And a cup is the smallest of all, about the size of your favorite drinking cup at home.

So, those are English units - measurements we use to describe length, weight, and volume, in everyday life. Cool, huh?