ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Enslaved women's resistance in the United States and Caribbean

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called "enslavement". Slavery is when one person thinks they own another person, and they make that person work for them without getting paid. It's a really bad thing that happened a long time ago, and it was especially bad for women who were enslaved.

But even though they were in a really bad situation, these women were very smart and strong. They knew that they didn't deserve to be treated that way and that they had rights too. So they found ways to resist or fight back against the people who enslaved them.

One way they did this was by pretending to be sick or injured so they wouldn't have to work. They might also break tools or do things that would slow down the work so their owners couldn't make as much money. Some women even ran away and tried to escape to freedom.

But they also resisted in more subtle ways. They would sing songs or tell stories that had secret meanings that only other enslaved people could understand. They would also practice their own religion and spirituality that was different from what their owners believed in.

Women were also important in supporting each other and building community. They would care for each other's children and help with tasks, and they would create networks and alliances with other enslaved people to share information and resources.

So even though they were in a really tough situation, enslaved women were strong, smart, and brave. They found ways to resist and fight back against their owners and build supportive communities with each other.