ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Enterprise planning system

An enterprise planning system is like a big computer program that helps people who run a company to plan and manage important things, like their money, operations, and resources.

Imagine you are playing with blocks and want to make a big tower. But you need to plan how many blocks you need, where to put them, and how high you want your tower to be. An enterprise planning system helps businesses to plan and organize their activities, just like you are planning and organizing your blocks.

This system lets people see all the important information about the company in one place, like how much money is coming in and going out, how many sales are happening, how much inventory they have, how much they are paying their employees, and a lot more. The system is like a big calculator that crunches all the numbers and gives people the information they need to make good decisions.

Enterprise planning systems also help people in the company to work together better by giving them a common platform to share information and collaborate on projects. It helps people to communicate better and make sure everyone is on the same page.

In short, an enterprise planning system is like a big tool for a company that helps people to plan, organize, and manage their activities effectively and efficiently.