ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Enterprise system

An "enterprise system" is like a big, fancy tool that helps grown-up businesses do their work. It's like having a giant toolbox full of the best and most useful gadgets that companies can use to make their business run more smoothly.

Just like when you go to school, there are lots of different parts that need to work together to help you learn- like books, pencils, desks, and chalkboards. In a business, there are also lots of different parts, like people who work there, money they need to make, and things they need to sell to customers.

An enterprise system helps all those parts work together better by collecting all the important data and information in one place, like in a big computer program. This makes it easier for everyone in the company to access the same information and use it to make better decisions.

For example, the system might help employees share important documents, like invoices or reports. It might also help managers track what's happening in different parts of the company, or connect different systems together, like a cash register and an inventory tracker.

Think of it like building big Lego towers - each individual block is important, but when you start connecting them all together, you can make something really awesome and that's what an enterprise system does for big businesses.