ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Environmental issues with shipping

When we ship things from one place to another using big boats called "ships," it can cause some problems for the environment.

Firstly, these ships use a lot of fuel to move, and burning fuel creates pollution (like a car's exhaust). This can add to the amount of greenhouse gases in the air, which trap heat and contribute to climate change.

Secondly, sometimes ships accidentally leak oil or other chemicals into the water they're sailing on. This can harm sea creatures and plants, and it can also make the water unsafe for humans to swim or fish in.

Lastly, shipping can also mean that more products are being transported around the world instead of being made and used locally. This can lead to more resources being used up and more pollution being created, as products have to travel longer distances to reach their destination.

Overall, shipping can cause some negative impacts on the environment, but there are ways we can try to reduce these effects by using cleaner fuels and implementing stricter safety regulations for ships.