ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Environmental product declaration

An environmental product declaration is like a report card for a product that tells you how it affects the environment. Just like your report card shows your grades in different subjects, an environmental product declaration shows how good or bad a product is for the environment.

The report card has different grades like A, B, C, D and F, but the environmental product declaration has different categories like energy consumption, water use, greenhouse gas emissions, and many more. These categories are like different subjects in the report card.

When a company wants to make a product, they have to do a lot of work to make sure it doesn't harm the environment too much. They have to think about things like how much energy it uses, how much waste it produces, and how it affects the air and water around it. And just like your teachers give you a grade based on your work, an independent organization grades products based on their environmental impacts.

This grade is then put into the environmental product declaration, which is a document that tells you all about the product's impact on the environment. This way, you can make better choices about what products you want to buy and support the ones that are better for the environment.
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