ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Well, kiddo, ergi is a Norse word that means "unmanliness." It refers to behavior that is considered improper or weak for a man. In Viking times, being manly was very important, and men who were seen as weak or not doing things the "manly" way were frowned upon.

Some examples of behaviors that might be considered ergi would be if a man didn't fight in battle or if he did things that were traditionally female, like weaving or cooking. It was believed that these things made them less of a man and were not good for their reputation or status in society.

But it's important to remember, little one, that these ideas are very old-fashioned and not something we believe in or do today. Everyone, no matter their gender, can do whatever they enjoy and be strong in their own way. It's not about being "manly" or "womanly," it's about being true to yourself and embracing who you are.
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