ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eschatology (religious movement)

Eschatology is a big word that talks about what people believe is going to happen when the world comes to an end. Some people believe that the world will end with a big fancy show, like fireworks in the sky. Others believe that the end is going to be a slow and steady process, like a candle burning out.

In religious terms, eschatology is a study of the end times that is often talked about in religious texts like the Bible, Quran or Torah. It's a way for people to understand how the world is going to end and what will happen to people's souls after they die.

One of the most common beliefs in Christianity, for example, is that Jesus will return to Earth during the end times to save his followers and judge the rest of the people. Some people even believe that there will be a battle between good and evil, and only those who have been faithful to their God will be saved.

In summary, eschatology is a way for people to understand and prepare for what they believe will happen at the end of the world, based on their religious beliefs.