ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Esotericism is like a secret club for people who really like to learn about things that are not usually talked about. The word "esoteric" means something that is known only by a small group of people who share a special interest or knowledge. It's like a secret code that only these people can understand.

In esotericism, people study things that are not always based on science or facts, but more on ideas and beliefs that are passed down from older generations. They might study things like astrology, magic, or spiritual experiences. It's kind of like studying fairy tales or myths, but instead of just enjoying the stories, they look deeper into what these stories could mean for people today.

People who are interested in esotericism might also believe things that are different than what most people believe. For example, they might believe in things like reincarnation, or that there are invisible energies that can affect our lives. They might use things like crystals, tarot cards, or meditation to help them tap into these energies and get answers to their questions.

Esotericism can be a very interesting and fun thing to study, but it's important to remember that not everyone believes in the things that people who study esotericism believe in. It's always good to keep an open mind and be respectful of other people's beliefs, even if they are different from yours.