ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ethnic groups in Afghanistan

So imagine that you are in a playground with lots of different kids. You might notice that some kids have different hair colors, skin colors, and maybe even speak a different language. These differences are what make each kid unique and special.

Now imagine that Afghanistan is like a really big playground with lots and lots of different kids. In fact, there are more than 14 different ethnic groups in Afghanistan! Each group might look different and might have their own language and traditions.

Some of the biggest ethnic groups in Afghanistan are the Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, and Uzbeks. Pashtuns are the largest group and live mostly in the southern and eastern part of Afghanistan. Tajiks also live in Afghanistan but also in neighboring countries like Tajikistan. Hazaras mostly live in the central part of Afghanistan and are known for their distinctive facial features. Uzbeks live in the northern part of Afghanistan and have their own language and culture.

Even though there are lots of different ethnic groups in Afghanistan, they all make up one big playground where everyone is important and unique.