ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eucharistic theologies contrasted

The Eucharist is a special meal that Christians share together. It's important because they believe that when they eat the bread and drink the wine, they are actually having a special connection with Jesus. There are some different ideas about how this works.

One idea is called transubstantiation. This is the belief that the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Jesus. It's like a magic trick: even though it still looks like bread and wine, it's really Jesus.

Another idea is called consubstantiation. This is the belief that Jesus is present in the bread and wine, but they don't actually turn into him. It's like if you put a little bit of orange juice into a glass of water - the water is still water, but it has some orange juice in it.

Finally, there's a third idea called memorialism. This is the belief that the bread and wine are just symbols. They don't actually become anything special, they're just a way to remember Jesus.

So, there are three different ideas about how the Eucharist works: transubstantiation (it really becomes Jesus), consubstantiation (Jesus is there, but the bread and wine don't change), and memorialism (it's just a symbol). Each person might have their own opinion about which one is true.