ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eulerian lattice

Imagine you are playing with building blocks or legos. You can build things using these blocks in different ways, right? For example, you can build a tower by stacking them on top of each other or a house by putting them next to each other.

Now, imagine that instead of blocks, we are using little dots on a grid. An Eulerian lattice is a special kind of grid where each point (dot) has exactly four lines or edges connecting it to its neighboring points. This means that each point has two lines coming into it and two lines going out of it.

This kind of grid is named after a mathematician named Euler (pronounced oiler) who studied how many paths you can take between different points on a grid like this. It turns out that the properties of an Eulerian lattice make it very useful for lots of different things, from studying physics to designing computer algorithms.

So, just like building blocks, an Eulerian lattice is a simple structure that we can use to build more complex things. Whether we're building a tower, a house or a computer algorithm, having a clear and structured foundation can help us create things that are efficient, strong and beautiful.