So, the euro plus pact is like a special agreement between the countries that use the euro as their money. You know how you and your friends might make a promise to each other to do something special together, like have a sleepover or play a game? Well, the countries in the euro plus pact made a promise to each other to work together to improve their economies and make their money stronger.
Just like when you and your friends make a plan, the euro plus pact has some rules and goals they want to achieve. They want to make sure that all the countries in the pact are making smart decisions with their money and not spending too much or in a way that could be harmful to their economy. They also want to create more jobs for people and help businesses grow.
By working together, the countries in the euro plus pact hope to make their money more stable and reliable, which means it would be worth more and be better for everyone who uses it. Think of it like building a really strong fort with your friends - if everyone works together and follows the plan, the fort will be stronger and better for everyone to play in.