ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation

Okay kiddo, let me try to explain this in a way you can easily understand.

So, you know how when you need information for a school project or just out of curiosity, you usually look for books in the library or use the internet? Well, there are also special kinds of information sources called grey literature. These sources are not published in traditional ways like books, but they can still be very helpful and important.

The European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation (EAGLE) is a group of people who work together to collect and share these grey literature sources from all over Europe. They use different methods to find them, like searching online databases or asking experts for help. Once they have a collection of grey literature, they make it available for anyone who needs it. This can include researchers, scientists, journalists, or people who are simply interested in a particular topic.

The goal of EAGLE is to make sure that important information is not overlooked or lost just because it's not in a traditional format like a book. By collecting and sharing grey literature, they help people get access to valuable knowledge that might not be found anywhere else. So, in a way, they're like superheroes who save the day by making sure important information is available to everyone who needs it!