ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European Foundation for Quality Management

The European Foundation for Quality Management, also known as EFQM, is like a grown-up club for businesses and organizations who want to do their best. It helps these businesses and organizations work smarter and get better results by sharing good ideas and information.

Think of it like a special club where all the members are really smart and successful. They share their tips and tricks for doing well in business to help others succeed too. The club also gives out special awards to members who do really great things in their businesses and organizations.

The EFQM helps businesses and organizations by giving them a special framework to follow. This framework is like a set of rules and guidelines to help them do things in the best and most efficient way possible. The EFQM also helps businesses and organizations improve by giving them feedback on what they are doing well and what they can do better.

In short, the EFQM is like a club full of smart and successful people who want to help businesses and organizations be even smarter and more successful too!