ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

European Union roaming regulations

The European Union is like a big club where lots of different countries come together to be friends and work together. One of the things they do is make rules about how things work between the different countries in the club.

Roaming is when you use your phone in a different country than the one you live in. It's like when you go on vacation to a new place and want to call or text your friends and family back home.

The European Union made some rules about how much it should cost to roam in another country. They decided that it should be fair and not too expensive for everyone.

So, now when you use your phone in another European Union country, you will pay the same price as you do at home. This means you won't get charged extra just for being in a different country.

This is good news for people who like to travel or do business in different countries. It makes it easier and cheaper for everyone to stay connected, no matter where they are.