ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evacuation simulation

Okay, so let's say you and all your friends are playing in a big building, like a school or a mall. Sometimes, if there is an emergency like a fire or a bad storm, you all need to leave the building quickly and go somewhere safe.

Now, the people who own the building want to make sure that everyone can leave safely in case of an emergency. So, they make a plan to practice leaving the building together. This is called an evacuation simulation.

They might have someone pretend to be in charge, like a teacher or a security guard. They will tell everyone where to go and what to do. They might sound a loud alarm or use a special signal to let everyone know it's time to leave.

Everyone will walk, not run, to the nearest exit. They will stay calm and not push or shove. They will listen to the person in charge and follow their instructions.

Sometimes, the people in charge will change things up to make it more challenging. They might tell everyone to go out a different exit or try to go down stairs instead of using an elevator. This helps people practice what to do in different situations.

By practicing an evacuation simulation, everyone can be ready to leave the building safely in case of an emergency. It's important to know what to do to stay safe!