ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evaluation strategy

An evaluation strategy is like checking how well you did something. Just like when you finish a puzzle, you check if all the pieces fit together properly. An evaluation strategy is the way you check if your work or a project is good enough.

Think of it like building a Lego castle. You might have a plan to build it, and you follow the plan to build the castle. But just building the castle is not enough. You need to check if the pieces are in the right place, if the color is good, if it looks like the picture on the box. That's like using an evaluation strategy.

Evaluation strategies can be different. Some people might use a checklist, where they have a list of things to look for. Others might ask other people to look at their work and give feedback.

So, the evaluation strategy is a way to make sure your work is the best it can be. It's like looking at your work under a microscope to find any mistakes, so that you can fix them and make your work really great.
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