ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evolution of birds

So, a long long time ago, there were no birds. There were only reptiles, like dinosaurs. But some of these reptiles started to change. They grew feathers and started to fly.

At first, these early birds couldn't fly very well. They mostly just fluttered around. But as they kept practicing, they got better and better at it.

One thing that helped birds evolve was the way their bones changed. They became lighter and stronger, which made it easier for them to fly.

Another important thing that happened was that birds developed different types of beaks, depending on what they liked to eat. Some had long, sharp beaks for catching fish, while others had short, strong beaks for breaking open nuts.

Over millions of years, birds kept evolving and adapting to their environments. Some species became really good at swimming, like penguins, while others became really good at running, like ostriches.

And that's how we got all the different types of birds we see today!