ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evolutionary origin of religion

Okay kiddo, let me tell you a story about where religion might have come from. A long, long time ago, before humans even existed, there were some animals called primates. These primates were kind of like monkeys, but not exactly. They were just starting to become more like humans.

Now, these primates were very curious creatures. They wanted to know why things happened in the world around them. They also started to notice patterns and connections between things like the sun rising and setting, the changing seasons, and the animals around them.

One day, one of these primates had a very weird dream. They saw something they couldn't explain. It must have been magic or a message from the gods! When they woke up, they told their friends about the dream and everyone was very curious. They wanted to know more about the dream and what it meant.

As time went on, more and more of these weird dreams happened to different primates. They started to believe that the dreams were messages from higher powers, like gods or spirits. They began to worship these gods and spirits, thanking them for their blessings and asking for their help when they needed it.

And that's how religion might have started, kiddo. As humans evolved, our brains became even more complex and we started to create elaborate stories and beliefs about these higher powers. Some of these stories became the religions we know today. It's a way for people to understand and explain the world around us, make sense of our place in it, and find comfort in something greater than ourselves.