ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evolved EDGE

Have you ever seen a caterpillar turn into a butterfly? That's kind of like how evolved edge works! Imagine if the caterpillar represents a regular old computer program, and the butterfly represents a smarter and more efficient version of that program.

Evolved edge is when a computer program gets better and smarter over time, just like a butterfly evolves from a caterpillar. It does this by learning and adapting to the environment and the needs of its users.

For example, imagine a program that helps you order pizza. The first version of the program might only let you choose from a few toppings and crust options. But as more people use it and give feedback, the program can evolve to add more options, suggest toppings based on your preferences, and even remember your past orders.

This is all because the program becomes "smarter" by learning from the data it collects and applying that information to make better decisions. It's like learning from your mistakes and improving yourself, just like how a caterpillar learns and adapts to become a butterfly.

So, evolved edge is when a computer program becomes smarter and more efficient over time by learning from its users and adapting to their needs. Just like a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly!