ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exclusion zone

An exclusion zone is an area where no one is allowed to enter, for safety reasons. It's like when your mom or dad tells you not to touch the stove because it's hot and you might get burned. You have to stay away from the stove to keep yourself safe.

Some places have exclusion zones too, like when there's an accident or danger that might hurt people. The people in charge make sure that nobody goes into these areas, so that they don't get hurt.

Exclusion zones can also be created around special places like homes of important people, government buildings or military bases. These areas are protected by special rules, and if you go inside without permission, you might get in trouble.

So, just like you have to listen to your parents and stay away from the hot stove, it's important to listen to the signs and warnings telling you where you can't go. These exclusion zones are there to keep you and everyone else safe.