ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Executive Council (Commonwealth countries)

Okay, imagine you and your friends are playing a game where you have to make some important decisions about what to do next. But there are so many of you and you have different opinions, so it's hard to agree on one thing.

In some countries, they also have important decisions to make but it's not a game. These countries have something called an executive council. An executive council is a group of people who help the leader of a country make important decisions.

Think of it like your friends who help you make decisions about the game. But instead of just making decisions about the game, the executive council makes decisions that affect the whole country. This can be things like making new laws, deciding how to spend money, and choosing how to protect the country.

In Commonwealth countries, the executive council is made up of people chosen by the leader of the country, who is usually called the prime minister. The council members are chosen because they are experts in different areas, like finance or health. They are like your friends who know a lot about different things and can help you make better decisions.

The executive council also meets regularly to discuss important issues and come up with solutions. This is like how you and your friends might have a club meeting to talk about the game and decide what to do next.

Overall, the executive council is a group of people who help the leader of a country make important decisions for the benefit of everyone who lives there.