ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exergy efficiency

Exergy efficiency is like measuring how good a toy is at doing its job.

Imagine you have a toy car that can move on its own. When you wind it up, it moves a certain distance before stopping. The distance it travels is like the energy it has.

But sometimes, the toy car doesn't use all the energy you give it. It might get stuck on a small bump or lose traction on a slippery surface. In those cases, even though you gave it a lot of energy, it didn't go as far as it could have. This is like how energy efficiency is measured.

Exergy efficiency is like measuring how far the toy car could have gone if it hadn't gotten stuck or lost traction. It's like measuring how much useful energy is produced by a machine compared to how much energy was put into it.

For example, imagine you have a machine that generates electricity by burning coal. When you burn coal, you create a lot of heat energy. But not all of that heat energy can be used to generate electricity. Some of it is lost as heat that escapes from the machine.

Exergy efficiency measures how much of the heat energy from burning coal is actually used to generate electricity. So, if the machine has a high exergy efficiency, it means that it is using most of the energy from burning coal to generate electricity rather than wasting it as heat.

Overall, measuring exergy efficiency is like measuring how good a toy or machine is at using the energy it is given to do its job effectively without wasting any.