ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Existential quantifier

Imagine you have a room full of toys. Let's pretend these toys are all different animals, like lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!

Now, you can say things about these toys, like "There is a lion in the room." This statement uses what we call the existential quantifier.

The existential quantifier is like saying "there exists," or "there is at least one" of something.

So when you say "there is a lion in the room," you're basically saying that there's at least one lion toy in the room full of toys.

But let's say there are more than one lion toys in the room. You could use the plural version of the existential quantifier and say "There are lions in the room."

In summary, the existential quantifier is a way to say "there is at least one" or "there exists" something in a group or set.