ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exon shuffling

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called "exon shuffling".

Remember how we learned that our bodies have a bunch of tiny instructions called genes? Well, these genes have different parts called exons that tell our cells what to do.

Now, when our body creates new cells, it needs to make sure that each new cell gets the right instructions (exons). Sometimes, the instructions get mixed up and end up in the wrong order. This is where "exon shuffling" comes in.

Exon shuffling is when different exons from different genes get mixed up and put together in a new order. Kind of like mixing and matching puzzle pieces. This can create new genes with new instructions that our cells can use.

Cool, right? This process happens over a really long time and happens differently in different organisms. But it helps with evolution and creating new traits that can help organisms survive better in their environment.

Hope that helps!