ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fusion gene

Okay kiddo, so our bodies are made up of tiny building blocks called cells. And each cell has a set of instructions called DNA that tells the cell what to do and how to grow. But sometimes something goes wrong with these instructions and they get mixed up.

A fusion gene happens when two different genes in a cell get mixed up and stuck together, kind of like when you accidentally mix two different colors of playdough together. This can happen when parts of the DNA break apart and reattach in the wrong way.

When a fusion gene happens in a cell, it can cause that cell to grow and divide more than normal. And if lots of cells with the same fusion gene grow and divide too much, it can lead to a disease like cancer.

Scientists study fusion genes to try to understand how they happen and how they might be stopped. This could help us find better ways to treat diseases caused by fusion genes in the future.