ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exploration of Saturn

Saturn is a really big planet that we know about through exploration. Scientists use special tools and machines to learn more about Saturn, even though no human has ever been there.

To explore Saturn, we first need to send machines up into space. These machines are called spacecraft. They are special because they can move and work in space where there is no air or gravity to make them stop.

Some spacecraft, like Voyager and Cassini, have explored Saturn by taking pictures and measurements. They have helped us learn a lot about the planet's rings, atmosphere, and its moon. Scientists have also sent other spacecraft to explore the moons themselves, like the Huygens probe which landed on Titan, one of Saturn's largest moons.

Exploring planets like Saturn is important so that we can learn more about our universe, and how planets form and behave. Plus, it's just really cool to learn about all of the amazing things that exist beyond our own atmosphere!