Exploration of Jupiter means that scientists want to learn more about Jupiter, which is a very big planet in our solar system. To do this, they send special machines called spacecrafts to study Jupiter up close.
Jupiter is very far away from Earth, so it takes a long time for the spacecraft to reach it. Once the spacecraft is near Jupiter, it starts taking pictures and measuring things like the planet's temperature, magnetic field, and composition.
One of the most famous spacecrafts that explored Jupiter was called the Galileo. It took lots of pictures and sent them back to Earth so scientists could study them. It even dropped a small probe into Jupiter's atmosphere to measure what it was made of.
Another spacecraft, called the Juno, is currently exploring Jupiter. It's taking really cool pictures and gathering information about the planet's atmosphere, gravity, and magnetic field.
All of this information helps scientists learn more about Jupiter and how it fits into our solar system. It's like sending a big detective to Jupiter to find out all its secrets!