ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Extremely high frequency

Extremely high frequency (EHF) is a special type of radio wave that is used to send and receive signals over long distances. Think of it like playing a game of catch with someone far away: you need a really strong arm to throw the ball far enough.

EHF waves are different from the types of waves we use for things like phone calls or video streaming. They are much, much higher in frequency, which means they have a shorter wavelength than other types of waves. This makes them ideal for high speed, long range communication.

Imagine you're listening to the radio in your car. You can tune in to different stations by changing the frequency. Each station has its own frequency, which allows your car to pick up the music or talk show you want to listen to. EHF waves are like the stations at the very top of the dial, with frequencies higher than anything else you can hear on the radio.

But just like how it's harder to throw a ball a long way, sending signals with EHF waves can be tricky. That's because they are easily blocked by objects like buildings or trees, which can interfere with the signal. To overcome this, special types of antennas and other technologies are used to help EHF waves travel farther and penetrate these obstacles.

EHF waves are used for things like satellite communications, radar systems, and even some types of medical equipment. They are an important technology for modern society, allowing us to stay connected and communicate over vast distances.