ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fair Labor Standards Act

Okay, imagine you have a lemonade stand where you sell lemonade to people. Now, imagine that you have a friend who helps you make the lemonade and sell it. The Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA for short, is like a set of rules that say that all workers, like you and your friend, should be treated fairly and be paid a fair amount of money for the work they do.

The FLSA says that there are certain things your employer must do, like pay you at least a certain amount of money per hour, give you breaks to rest, and not make you work too many hours in a row without a break. These rules help make sure that you and your friend are safe and treated fairly when you work at the lemonade stand.

The FLSA also has rules about age. It says that some jobs, like working with dangerous machinery, can only be done by people who are older because it's safer for them. So, if your friend is too young to do a certain job at the lemonade stand, you can't let him or her do it because it's not safe.

In summary, the Fair Labor Standards Act is a set of rules that make sure all workers, just like you and your friend, are treated fairly and paid a fair wage for their work, and that they are safe while doing their job.