ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frank Murphy

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Frank Murphy. Frank Murphy was a very important person who lived a long time ago. He was born in Michigan in 1890, which was over 100 years ago! That's even older than your grandparents!

Now, growing up, Frank was a really smart kid. He loved to read and learn new things. He went to school and worked really hard to do well in his classes.

When he grew up, Frank decided he wanted to help people. So he became a lawyer. That means he would help people with problems they had and would work in court to make sure people were treated fairly.

But Frank didn't stop there. He became very interested in politics, which means the way we run our country and make decisions. He became mayor of Detroit, which is a big city in Michigan. And later, he became governor of the whole state of Michigan!

Frank was also really important in our country's government. He was a judge, which means he would decide if people were guilty or innocent in court cases. And he even helped the president of the United States as the Attorney General, which means he was in charge of making sure people followed the laws.

Frank Murphy did a lot of good things in his life. He helped people who were struggling, and he made sure everyone was treated fairly. That's why he's an important person in our history!