ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

False bottom (sea ice)

Okay, so imagine you're making a sandcastle on the beach. When you scoop up sand, sometimes little pebbles or shells get mixed in with it. Now imagine you're at the bottom of the ocean where there's lots of ice floating on top of the water. Just like with sand, sometimes little things can get mixed in with the ice, like tiny pieces of dirt or bubbles.

A false bottom is a layer of ice that has those little things mixed in with it. This layer can trick people into thinking it's thicker and stronger than it actually is because the things mixed in with the ice make it look like the ice goes farther down than it actually does.

This can be very dangerous for people who are walking or driving on the ice because they might think it's safe when it's really not. That's why it's important to be careful and listen to experts who know how to tell if the ice is safe or not, even if it looks like there's a lot of ice there.