ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Family as a model for the state

Family and state are two different kinds of systems. Family is based on personal relationships between family members, while the state has laws to regulate how people interact with each other.

In some ways, family and state are similar. Just like in the family, laws in the state are supposed to keep people safe and allow people to live peacefully and harmoniously with each other. Just like how parents provide guidance and protection to their children in a family, the state provided guidance and protection to its citizens.

At the same time, family and state are also different. In a family, family members usually agree voluntarily to follow rules and there isn't typically punishment for breaking those rules. In a state, breaking laws can result in serious penalties.

In summary, family and state can be seen as similar systems in terms of needing a set of rules to maintain peace and harmony, but they have differences in terms of how those rules are enforced.