ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes people need big trucks to carry lots of important things around, like tools or supplies for building or fixing things?

Well, the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) is a group of big trucks that the military uses to do some really important jobs. These trucks are like super-strong work horses that can carry a lot of weight and can handle tough terrain and weather.

The FMTV is made up of different types of trucks that have different job responsibilities, sort of like a team of superhero trucks that work together to get things done. Some of them are like big flatbed trucks, others have big boxes on the back to carry cargo, and some are even ambulance trucks that can help injured people.

The military uses these trucks to do things like move supplies and equipment to soldiers on base or in the field, transport troops to different places, and even help set up communication systems or other important equipment.

So, long story short, the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles is a group of really strong, capable trucks that the military uses for lots of important jobs.