ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Faster Payments Service

Faster Payments Service is a way for people to send money to each other quickly and easily, like superheroes sending money faster than a speeding bullet! When we want to buy something, we usually pay for it using cash, but there are times when we need to send money to someone who is far away or we don't want to carry cash around. That's where Faster Payments Service comes in!

Just like how we use our parents' phones to FaceTime our friends, we can also use our smartphones or computers to use Faster Payments Service. When you want to send money to someone, you put their name, bank account number, and sort code into the Faster Payments system. You then tell the system how much money you want to send, click a few buttons, and whoosh - the money is on its way!

Faster Payments Service rocks because it goes really fast! Unlike traditional bank transfers, this one doesn't need to wait for a whole bunch of days before the payment is complete. It usually takes just a few seconds! This makes it a great choice for emergencies, such as when you need to pay someone quickly or when you need a friend to send you some cash to cover a surprise expense.

To wrap it up, the Faster Payments Service is an easy-to-use way of sending money to your loved ones, without the stress of counting large sums of cash, and it's super fast too!