ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fata Morgana (1971 film)

Fata Morgana is a movie that tells a story in a very special way. Imagine you are watching a moving picture of a desert. Have you ever seen really hot air rising from the ground, making everything in the distance look wavy? That's kind of what this movie is like.

Now, into this hot and vast space come a few people, driving a car. They are exploring the desert and seeing amazing things – like strange creatures, old airplanes, and abandoned buildings. Sometimes things get confusing, though. Are they seeing things that aren't really there, or are they actually happening?

As you watch this movie, you will see a lot of changes in the images. Sometimes they will be very close up, then far away again. Sometimes the colors will change and things will look really wild. This is because the movie uses a lot of different cameras and filming techniques to make you feel like you're dreaming.

At the end of the movie, you might wonder if everything was real or if it was just a dream. But either way, you will have seen something really unique and unusual that might make you think differently about the world around you.