ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Federal Tort Claims Act

Okay kiddo, so the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) is like a grown-up rulebook that says you can sue the government if the government accidentally does something that hurts you or your things.

Let's say for example, you were playing on the playground at school and one of the monkey bars came loose and fell on you, and you got hurt. If the school was owned by the government, the FTCA says you can ask the government to pay for your injuries and medical bills because they own the school and allowed something dangerous to happen.

The FTCA is kind of like a safety net that makes sure people can hold the government accountable when things go wrong. But there's some special rules and steps you have to follow when suing the government, so it's important to talk to a grown-up who knows about these things before you decide to take legal action.

So, basically, the FTCA is a rule that protects people from accidents caused by the government and allows them to ask for help if they get hurt.