ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a group of friends who like to play games together. Let's say they all live in the same neighborhood, but some of them speak different languages or have different cultures. One day they decide to form a big team and play against other groups of friends from different neighborhoods.

Now, to make this work, they need some rules so everyone can play and understand each other. They decide to form a federation, which is like a big club that has rules and a president and everyone agrees to follow them. This way, they can all be part of the same team and play games together without any problems.

Now, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country in Europe where different people live together, like Bosniaks, Croats, and Serbs. They all have their own languages and cultures, but they also share a lot in common. However, there were some problems in the past, and they had a war that caused a lot of suffering.

After the war, they decided to work together and form a federation, just like your friends did. This federation is called the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it has its own president and government. They agreed to follow some rules, like sharing power and making decisions together, so they can live in peace and harmony.

So, to summarize, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is like a big club where different people who live in the same country agree to work together and follow rules so they can live in peace and play games together, just like your friends.