ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Female astronauts

Okay, so you know how astronauts are people who travel in space and explore things up there? Well, some of those astronauts are girls! They're called female astronauts.

Just like boys can become astronauts, girls can too! It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, if you want to be an astronaut, you can try!

Being an astronaut is a really big responsibility. When you go to space, you have to wear a special suit that protects you from the lack of air and the really cold temperatures up there. You also have to eat special food that can't make a mess or float away in space.

Female astronauts have to do all of those things too, but they also have to deal with some extra stuff. For example, when they're getting ready to go to space, they have to make sure that their bodies are strong and healthy. That means they have to exercise a lot and eat healthy food.

Sometimes, female astronauts also have to work really hard to prove that they're just as smart and capable as boys. But once they show that, they get to go to space and explore just like everyone else!

So that's all there is to it, being a female astronaut just means you're a girl who gets to go to space and have lots of adventures up there!
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