ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ferguson unrest

Okay, let me explain Ferguson unrest like you're five.

So, you know how sometimes people can disagree and argue with each other? It's like that, but on a really big scale.

A few years ago in Ferguson, Missouri, there was a man named Michael Brown who died. Some people thought that it was unfair and wrong the way that he died, and they wanted to make sure that everyone knew about it.

Lots of different people started protesting, which means they got together and walked around outside and chanted things like "Black lives matter" and "No justice, no peace." They wanted people to pay attention to what had happened to Michael Brown, and to make sure that nothing like that ever happens again.

But not everybody agreed with them. Some people thought that the protesters were causing trouble and making things worse. The police got involved, and they were trying to keep everyone safe but sometimes things got really heated and it was hard to tell what was happening.

The whole thing went on for a while, and it got very intense. People from all over the world were watching and talking about it. Eventually things calmed down but it was a really important moment in history and a lot of people still think and talk about it today.