ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you are playing a game and you need to tag your friend to make them "it." But your friend is really quick and always manages to get away from you. So, what can you do to make sure they don't run away? You can put some special cuffs called "fetters" on their wrists or ankles!

Fetters are basically strong cuffs that go around someone's wrists or ankles to keep them from moving freely. They are often used by police or other authorities to keep people who are being arrested or detained from running away. If someone has fetters on their wrists, they won't be able to use their hands to grab anything or open doors. And if they have fetters on their ankles, they won't be able to run or walk very easily.

Fetters can be made out of different materials, like metal or plastic, and they may have a lock on them to keep them secure. When someone is wearing fetters, they may feel a bit uncomfortable and trapped, but it's important to remember that they are only used in certain situations where safety and security are a concern. So, always remember to listen to the authorities and follow their instructions!
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