Imagine you're looking at a big picture. What you can see in that picture is your field of view. It's like the area that your eyes can see without moving your head. Think of your eyes like two little cameras that are capturing everything within their range.
Now, let's say you're holding the picture close to your face. You can only see a small part of it, right? That's because your field of view is smaller when things are close to you. But if you hold the picture far away, your field of view gets bigger and you can see more of it.
Field of view is important in things like video games or virtual reality because it determines how much of the game world you can see at once. If the field of view is too small, it's like looking at the picture up close and you might miss important things that are happening around you. But if it's too big, it might be harder to focus on just one thing at a time.
So, field of view is basically how much you can see without moving your head, and it can be affected by things like distance and the size of the picture or screen you're looking at.