ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fifth gospel (genre)

Well, think of the Bible like a really long book with lots of different stories in it. Within the Bible, there are four special books called the gospels, which tell the story of Jesus' life and teachings. The gospels are like puzzle pieces that fit together to give us a complete picture of Jesus.

But did you know that there's something called a fifth gospel? It's not a book like the other four gospels, but instead it's an idea or a genre. The idea behind the fifth gospel is that there are other writings or stories that can also help us understand Jesus and his teachings, even if they're not part of the Bible.

These other writings might include things like letters, sermons, or even artwork. They can provide different perspectives on Jesus and help us see him in new and interesting ways. Some people believe that the fifth gospel can even help us better understand the other four gospels in the Bible.

So basically, the fifth gospel is like an extra piece to the puzzle of understanding Jesus, and it includes all sorts of cool stuff that can help us see him in new ways.
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