ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

File verification

Okay kiddo, do you remember how we have to check our work after we finish doing something, like counting our toys or drawing a picture? We want to make sure it's correct, right? Well, file verification is just like that!

When we download a file from the Internet or email, like a game or a picture, we want to make sure it's not broken or a bad guy didn't add something sneaky to it. File verification helps us do that by checking that the file we downloaded matches the one that was originally made by the good guys who created it.

Think of it like a secret code. When the good guys make a file, they give it a secret code that only it knows. When we download it, our computer checks its own secret code against the secret code in the file. If they match, then we know we have the right file and it hasn't been changed by bad guys.

File verification helps us stay safe on the Internet and make sure we're getting the right things. Just like we check our work to make sure it's correct, we can use file verification to make sure our computer is working with the right files.
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